S&S Association Annual Meeting, Enkhuizen, June 14-16th 2024

Another delightful weekend spent in the friendly company of S&S enthusiasts from around the world.


The S&S Association held its Annual International Meeting over the weekend of June 14-16th in the delightful old harbour town of Enkhuizen in the Netherlands. We last met in Enkhuizen in 2008 where we celebrated the 100th anniversary of Olin Stephen’s birth and we had another great weekend this time, with around 70 members and guests from 10 countries and 18 beautiful boats welcoming visitors aboard.


The meeting was based around the Royal Netherlands Yacht Club at Enkhuizen Buyshaven, just outside the barrage separating the Dutch inland seas of the Markermeer and the IJsselmeer. The organisers Jan Schiereck, Margriet Kroes, Pauline Arnold and Roland van Loenen drew up a full programme of activities, starting with a wonderful Indonesian supper in the Kombuys building offering veranda views across the marina.

Saturday started with a meeting to review plans for the day. 


Sadly the weather turned against us and the plans for the Annual Meeting Race had to be abandoned but, not disheartened, we took the opportunity to exercise our curiosity about the wonderful selection of S&S designs on hand – from 7.8 metre Happy to 23.4 metre Tigris.  

Our hosts also offered a range of sightseeing options around the town – a guided tour of the historic Snouck van Loosen Park, a trip to the Zuiderzee Museum, or the Sow to Grow Agricultural Museum, or the Ship in a Bottle Museum, or a self-guided walking tour of this beautiful old town. Many of us headed out to see what we could find.

The evening brought us together for dinner at the Snouck van Loosen Hotel outside the harbour. Our Chairman welcomed us all. Then he, together with last and this years’ meeting hosts, raised the Founders’ Cup in the traditional toast to Olin Stephens. Before tucking into a wonderful meal we were treated to a fabulous short performance of traditional fiddle music from Tigris’ Skipper Maggie Adamson, a native of the Shetland Isles and an internationally acclaimed violinist.  

Dinner followed and after much chat on subjects nautical and other, most of us finally retired at midnight.

Sunday dawned with more promising weather and we convened at the stunning Drommedaris Tower, part of the 16th century fortifications of Enkhuizen, for the formal Annual General Meeting of the Association.

Full minutes will follow but highlights included the award of the S&S Association Global Challenge Trophy to Azzurro, skippered by Jack Kliner of Queensland, Australia.  Azzurro was a previous winner with her past owner Shane Kearns so it was good to congratulate her once more.  Jack couldn’t be with us so his award was received by his fellow countryman George Fisscher of Boambillee. 

Presentations of specially designed Dutch tiles were also made to Harri and Anne Marie Eronen on Salty Dog for the boat travelling the furthest to attend the AGM – corrected for waterline length – and to Marjan Kramer for sailing two long days single handed on Morning Jade to attend the meeting.  


Positive reports were provided by the membership, racing, yearbook and regional secretaries and the meeting closed with a discussion of the plans for meeting in Flensburg in 2025 and presentations of the Enkhuizen Almanac and wine to the organising committee.

After a visit to the roof top to admire the views and a jolly lunch in the tower, we bade sad farewells to each other with promises to meet again soon.

The AGM minutes of meeting can be found in the members area or via the link below:

2024 AGM - Enkhuizen, Netherlands - Final Announcement

2024 International Meeting and AGM

Plans for the 2024 Annual Meeting are now complete. As previously advised we will gather in Enkhuizen, one of the most scenic towns that the Netherlands has to offer, on 14-16 June 2024. Currently about 60 members will be attending but there are still spaces available so please let us know if you’d like to come along (see contact details below).

On Friday we will catch up over an informal Indonesian buffet dinner. On Saturday our race officer will set a course on the IJsselmeer for some serious sailing*, followed by the prize giving and formal dinner (dress code smart(”tenue de ville”) at the Snouck van Loosen Hotel. We will round off the weekend on Sunday with the AGM and lunch at Enkhuizen’s most iconic building: the Drommedaris tower.


For those who plan to bring their own yacht to Enkhuizen – and we are already expecting a good number – berths will be reserved in the Royal Dutch Sailing & Rowing Association’s Buyshaven Yachtharbour. A discounted rate has been negotiated for those staying more than a week. Enkhuizen is easily reached by sea: via Den Helder and entering the IJsselmeer at Den Oever, via Terschelling and Kornwerderzand, or via IJmuiden, through the North Sea Canal, passing Amsterdam and crossing the Markermeer to Enkhuizen. Should you arrive in the Netherlands by plane or ferry, Enkhuizen is easily reached by train (72 minutes from Schiphol airport, one transfer). The train station is a ten-minute walk from the yacht harbour where we will be based, and close to the town centre.

Enkhuizen has plenty of options for staying ashore. You may consider booking at:

Hotel Snouck van Loosen,
tel.+31 - (0)228 - 72 26 72;

Hotel Die Port van Cleve,,
. +31 – (0)228 – 312 510;

Hotel De Koepoort,
tel. +31 – (0)228 – 314 966.

There are also several apartment hotels nearby but accommodation is going fast so please book soon.

If you wish, we will try to organise a berth on one of the yachts.

To see what Enkhuizen has to offer, take a look at

The cost of the event will be €165 per person. Payments are due by May 18th and various options are available which will be advised to you if you let us know you’d like to attend on the email below.

Warmest regards and looking forward to seeing lots of you in June for another enjoyable weekend.

Pauline Arnold, Margriet Kroes, Roland van Loenen and Jan Schiereck

To reserve a place please email as soon as possible to:

*If you’d like to join a crew for the race please bring sailing gear.

2023 - Association AGM Denmark

This year’s Annual Meeting of the S&S Association took place at the Royal Danish Yacht Club's Tuborg Havn Marina near Copenhagen, Denmark. Ten stunning S&S boats and fifty-one members and friends from eight countries gathered for a sociable weekend of sailing and camaraderie. You can read the full report here:

2023 - AGM Agenda

2023 Annual General Meeting

10.00h 10th September 2023, Tuborg Havn, Hellerup


1.      Welcome

2.      Apologies for absence

3.      Matters and Actions arsing from 2022 AGM Minutes

4.      Reports

a.      Chairman’s report – Gavin Howe

b.      Secretary’s report – Karen Blake

c.      Treasurer’s report – Michael France

d.      Classic and Wooden Hulls secretary’s report – Juha Apajalahti

e.      GRP Hulls Secretary’s report – Bart Draijer

f.       Race Secretary’s report (Trophies) - George Beevor

g.      Webmaster’s report – Dan & Ellie James

h.      Yearbook Editor’s report – Louise France

i.       Regional Secretary’s reports:

                                                    i.     UK

                                                   ii.     N America

                                                 iii.     Finland

                                                 iv.     Netherlands

5.      Election of Officers

6.      Future Annual Meeting Plans

7.      Any other business

Members are encouraged to send any comments, matters arising from last year’s minutes or items of any other business (AOB) for discussion at the AGM to Karen.

Last year’s AGM minutes of the meeting can be found in the members area here: