
S&S Association 2020 AGM

Dear S&S Friends

With much regret we have to advise that, owing to the worldwide health situation, we have had to cancel this year’s S&S Association AGM.  Rob Snoeks and Hans Kettering had put together a fantastic programme for the planned weekend in Thessaloniki in May, but sadly circumstances mean that a gathering such as ours would be inappropriate in the current situation.  Depending on how things develop we may be able to reschedule for the autumn and we will let you know if this is looking possible.

We will miss meeting you all this year but wish you all well and if you able to get aboard – good sailing.

The Association 2018 AGM in Norway

Bragdøya -

Bragdøya -

Here are some details concerning the AGM to be held in Norway in beautiful surroundings. You are encouraged to come.

Imagine a small, secluded island close to the coast of southern Norway. It is quiet and undisturbed in all its natural beauty, that is until we go there for the Sparkman & Stephens Association AGM 2018, 25 – 27 May. The island of Bragdøya offers plenty of space for us, the roomy Kystlagets og Bragdøyas Storstue (Big Room) offers ample space for getting together, several different accommodation types are available and free mooring is offered for those who bring their boats. The chartered ferry will secure easy access to and from the island all through the event (a short 10 minute ride) and there are several routes from your countries to Norway by air, train, automobile and ferry. This is everything we could want for an S&S event, jolly and entertaining as always when S&S members are together, with a twist - little formality, simple pleasures and high on experiences.

There is one \"but\"! Other people have discovered this island and all amenities including accommodation are allocated on a first come, first served basis. So for Aud & Jon-Martin, who have bravely offered to arrange the AGM 2018, it is paramount you enrol early. Actually, right now, so they can provide the island guardians with a reasonable estimate of our requirements! However, to thank you for doing this, you are not bound until 15 March 2018 when payment must be made. So please, go now to, check it out and enrol online, or click on the PDF here with all the information and a hard copy enrolment form for traditional surface mail.

Further details about the programme and practical details will follow later. Go on, you know you want to be there - go for it!