Tramp was built in 1976 by Calligari in Ravenna, Italy, as a contender for the Italian Admirals Cup team, but failed to make the selection for 1977. She was constructed to design number 2222 C2, one of three boats built to this design, the other two being Prospect Of Whitby iv & Dorethea. She was built of aluminium to the IOR rules, with flush decks, a tall high aspect rig with large over lapping genoa. Length overall of 13.5m, a beam of 3.7m & draft of 2.15m.
On deck Tramp retains much of her original equipment, with the exception of a new mast in 2005. However below deck she has been comfortably fitted out for cruising, gone are the days of open plan, pipe berths & sail bins. She now has twin cabins, saloon, galley, heads & nav station.
Tramp of Airlie
We purchased Tramp Of Airlie in 1998, making the fatal pre-purchase mistake of falling in love with her. Initially we kept her in the Med, where she had spent all of her life. We know little of her history since 1976, until 1988 when she was racing at The St Tropez Yacht Club. In 2001 we sailed her back to the UK to her new home port in Grimsby where we compete in local club races & regattas & venturing further a field to compete in RTIR. We have used her for many Summer holidays along the South & East coast, France & the Netherlands. Despite her size Karen & myself can manage her quite well, although hauling the main up or short tacking can sometimes test your fitness.
Since bringing Tramp back to the UK, we have been able to slowly keep up with refurbishing the boat. Although being aluminium, one would anticipate the hull requiring little maintenance, however one of the “joys” of ownership is being able to keep the paint on the hull. Over the years we have had the hull re-sprayed with awlgrip, re-painted the decks, replaced headlinings & varnished throughout.
- Chris & Karen Hames